If there is a limitation due to health , this licenses are  valid until 65 years of age .

Renewal is every 3 ( three ) years.

To renew the license you need : examination by physicians ( pathologist and ophthalmologist ) fees of the Ministry, which are detailed in documents and deposited at the Ministry of Transport.

If time prevents you, the School may take the deposit of documents to the Ministry.

These licenses are valid for 5 (five ) years and up to 65 years of age .

Renewal is every 3 ( three ) years.

To renew your license you need : examination by doctors( pathologist and ophthalmologist ) fees of the Ministry, which are detailed in documents and deposited at the Ministry of Transport.

If time prevents you, the School may take the deposit of documents to the Ministry.

Converting a valid driving license issued by a Member State of the EU in the relevant class Greek license, without medical, theoretical and practical test If the holder of a valid driving license issued by a Member State of the EU, acquires normal residence in Greece, he is entitled to request the conversion of that license in the respective category or subcategory Greek license,without medical, theoretical and practical test , if the envisaged by Article 7 of Presidential Decree 19/1995 age is appropriate. Valid driving license issued by a Member – State of the European Union, due to the conversion corresponding another Member license applies as such in the Greek territory and converted to the corresponding category or Greek driving license subcategory only if the original license issued by the Member – States EU England, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Finland and the Member Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The holder of a valid driving license issued by a Member State of the EU converted from Greek driving license if he reacquires normal residence in Greece, he is entitled to request re-conversion of existing foreign license in Greek. If this Greek license is lost (no fault of the person concerned), issued a copy of the said loss, in application of the provisions P.D.19 / 1995 and with the procedure laid down in Article 10 of this, but the person is to pay the amounts provided in par. 4 of Article 1 of P.D.87 / 1997. To convert the applicant must submit to Transport Service – Communications of the Prefecture of the place of residence the following documents:

  • Application without stamp.
  • A solemn declaration of article 8 N.1599 / 1986, stating: That has taken up normal residence in Greece.
  • Full details of the home address, which should be in the Transport Service area – Communications in which the application is submitted and That does not hold another driving license (Greek or another EU Member State)
  • A photocopy of the police identity or Greek passport if the person concerned has the Greek citizenship.
  • A photocopy of the passport for foreign citizens.
  • Translation of the foreign license by the Foreign Ministry or by a lawyer.
  • The foreign license, which will be returned to the competent authority of the issuing country, taking care of the relevant Department of Transportation – Communications.
  • A photocopy of the residence permit or authorization or a foreign residence temporary license card or stay cards of limited duration if the person concerned is a Greek national who has issued at least 185 days before the submission of the application and remains valid until the date of receipt the Greek driving license.
  • A recent passport size photo (color).

Competent authority
The Transport and Communications Department of the Regional unit or District Region apartment
the place where the person resides.

A driving license is not held by any public or police authority of Greece or other countries of the EU
If the applicant is a Greek citizen submitted stay or residence permit, or work permit, which must be issued 95 days before applying for a driving license, for the EU citizens and 185 days for foreign nationals and photocopies thereof.


printing application of the new driving license (plastic card).
Fee treasury.
Fee Treasury to print a new driving license.
2 recent color passport photos.
Photocopy of identity card or passport.
If the driving license is not valid and will be presented certificates Doctors & fees.
If there is another driving license be filed with it will come a single.

Competent Service

Transport and Communications Department of the Prefecture of the place of residence.


  • For new or used light trailers intended for transporting boats, luggage, on individual vehicles and if there is no approval of such type, the suitability of these will be made by a qualified mechanical engineer or technical engineer who will declares in accordance with the provisions of law. 1599-1586.
    a. The technical data of the towing vehicle and trailer under the 34075/3663/99
    b. having checked it and found it technically sound and appropriate and that meets the conditions of safe movement of all terms as defined by the relevant provisions of the Highway Code.
    c. that the requirements of UNHCR met 16823/1978 (V524)
  • If the car change, make sure the towing capacity of the vehicle.
  • In the case of a trailer towing license or Baggage self-construction, make sure the towing capacity of the vehicle.
  • In the case of new caravan towing license must ensure the towing capacity of the vehicle (if not apparent from the type approval) if new approval decision caravan if used origin abroad requires a certified copy of the foreign caravan registration or printed list of construction works or case  study of mechanical engineer or technical engineer technologist, affirmation imprinted with the engraved chassis number of the car and the caravan.
  • In the case of second-hand caravan towing license:  the towing capacity of the vehicle must be checked (if not apparent from the type approval), affirmation imprinted with the engraved chassis number of the car and the caravan.

Required documents

Application – affidavit
A printed list of car manufacturing plant or delegation certificate showing the towing capacity of the vehicle
Fee 3 Euros (not required for light trailers)
In addition to:

1.Light trailers (panniers or transport boats, new – used)
Invoice or receipt of the towed vehicle market, or affirmation for DIY
Approval decision or solemn declaration mechanical engineer or technical engineer according to 34075/3663/99
Old traction note for a used trailer
Private agreement certified by Tax Office or formal declaration of transfer or grant of use of the trailer for a used trailer
vehicle registration

2.Change tug (passenger)
vehicle registration
Old traction note

3. DIY (panniers or transport boats)

Invoices and receipts of materials
Solemn declaration mechanical engineer or technical engineer according to 34075/3663/99

4.caravans new
ownership title (customs certificate or purchase invoice or private contract stamped by the tax office)
approval decision
5.caravans used
Private transfer contract certified by a competent tax office
Note attraction of the old owner

Competent Service
The Transport and Communications Department of the Regional unit or District Region apartment
of the intrested person .

Conditions of residence:
According to the provisions of Law. 4070/2012 Art. 95 (Government Gazette 82 A ‘) to be granted a special license E.D.CH. the candidate is required:
1. have attained the age of 21 years at the date of filing the application and supporting documents and hold category B car driving license from 24 months ago at least , if the permission is amateur
2. Do not serve any employment relationship to government, public entities, private law organization Public Sector of Law. 1256/1982 (GG 65 A).
3. Do not retired from any insurance fund or government.
4. Do not be finally convicted for an offense: Formation or inclusion as a member of a criminal organization, counterfeiting, circulation of counterfeit currency, counterfeit stamps and abuse, corruption, murder with intent, robbery, abduction, rape, abuse in lasciviousness, seduction boys, facilitating debauchery alia, child pornography, pimping, exploitation of prostitutes, trafficking, sexual abuse with a minor fee, theft, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, dishonesty, violation of the weapons law, trafficking and use of drugs, violation of the prevention law and suppression of money laundering, illegal smuggling and desertion, illegal employment of workers.
Documents for initial administration:
1. Application – Solemn Statement with the following content:
“I am a permanent resident. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I have not submitted a similar request to another service to obtain special taxi license. I dont have  any employment in the public sector. (Public services, public entities, Local Government, business organizations, banks, subsidiaries and other entities of Art. 1 pt. 6N. 1256-1282). I do not get any pension insurance fund or by the State. I have not been punished by the disciplinary board to drive or use illegal taxi. ”
2. ID card or passport and deposit simple photocopy
If the applicant is a Greek citizen submitted: stay or residence permit, EU Citizen Registration Certificate Certification or document of permanent residence EU Member State citizen, Special identity card, Special Foreign Identity Card, Certificate of Deposit documents for a residence permit, Certificate of Greek Public insurance carrier that is insured as a worker in our country. The above document must be issued 95 days before applying for a driving license, for the EU citizens and 185 days for foreign nationals.
3. Valid driving license and a photocopy thereof.
4. compulsory education title (certified copy) Specifically:
a) Primary School Leaving Certificate for those born until 2-4 – 1969 (Greek citizens)
b) three class  High School Diploma for those born after the 3rd – 4-1969 (Greek citizens)
c) For foreigners: proficiency Proficiency Certificate Level A2 (from HAU, Marseille 22 til.2103680000 or the Greek Language Centre of the Ministry. of Education tel. 2310459101)
5. Certificates Doctors Optometrist & Pathologist (you must pay the doctors) certifying that minimum standards of physical and mental fitness to obtain professional driving license (GROUP 2)
If you get first license outside of Certificates required and following medical tests:
1. Blood General, 2. Urea 3. Glucose 4. Radiography Thoracic, 5. Cardiogram and patient booklet.
which are presented in pathologo.Ta certificates are valid for six months from their issue.
6. Copies of payment receipts of physician and ophthalmologist who performed the examination.
7. Fee Treasury (OEM 3741).
8. (2) recent color photographs.
9. Criminal Record Universal, which automatically sought by the Office.
Examination: Candidates take part in the written tests with the following topics:
“Regulations passenger Public domain”
“Automotive engineering Details»
” First aid ”
“Local issues” Questionnaires for these issues is available from the Office for the filing of documents
The special E.D.CH. license (TAXI) is valid for five years.